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Lorem ipsum dolor bla blah blaahhh
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Anim pariatur cliche reprehenderit, enim eiusmod high life accusamus terry.
Anim pariatur cliche reprehenderit, enim eiusmod high life accusamus terry. I worked as a freelance brand designer since I was 15. I was able to take care of myself ever since. I loved the next 8 years. They were incredible. But when I turned 23, the bullshittery of advertising industry (at least here, where I live, Czech Republic) caught up with me. Day by day the fun faded a little away. On my 27th birthday there I was, burned out candle on a cake.
This January I decided to leave and start over. I didn’t know what I will do. The only thing I enjoyed was drawing illustrations of what I always loved — space, future, science and fiction related things. Afjbdsafabsjfvnadsijovnas ansijna ais nasvioansv .
Rick and Morty helped a lot. Actually, it was because of R&M, Firewatch and The Oatmeal I decided to get up, draw the prints I wanted to wear but couldn’t find anywhere to buy, dig myself out of the shithole full of debts I put myself in by selling them and draw once more.
Now I’m learning to screenwrite so I could merge it into creating stories like those guys. And hopefully to move to LA. I don’t know how it will go, but after last ashy 6 years, there’s a little fire in me again. It was about time. asdfasHO aoifhj iaj APOfj pajsgsfgas s .as
More info: SFSF | Michal Sobel
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Morbi imperdiet a nisl scelerisque luctus. Maecenas eget augue neque. Donec vitae semper tellus. Vivamus eu sagittis eros. Phasellus vel bibendum ipsum. Suspendisse potenti. Aenean nunc tellus, vestibulum molestie aliquet porta, semper vitae elit. Vivamus sit amet vehicula orci. Proin porta, orci sit amet aliquam finibus, mi neque hendrerit velit, et scelerisque eros ex sit amet nunc.